Cummins Inc and ProMiles Software Development Corporation have introduced an interface between Cummins RoadRelay 4 with GPS (global positioning system) and ProMiles Fuel Tax reporting package. The RoadRelay 4 with GPS and ProMiles Fuel Tax system must be integrated with Cummins Inform or Inspec vehicle and fleet management software. It automatically provides state-by-state and vehicle-by-vehicle fuel tax information, as well as trip sheets.
Enabling the “route” feature in a RoadRelay 4 with GPS allows GPS coordinates to be recorded every time specific events occur. It also eliminates compiling fuel tax report data. Drivers also can enter fuel purchases at the point of purchase.
Once RoadRelay 4 data is downloaded into Inform or Inspec, it is then exported to Cummins PowerTrip and ProMiles Fuel Tax software. Fuel Tax then automatically populates data fields with the information from RoadRelay 4.
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