Rand McNally's new 2004 Large Scale Motor Carriers' Road Atlas contains maps that are 32% larger than standard maps.
The new atlas is printed on a synthetic tear- and water-resistant paper that does not reflect glare under low light. Since the atlas is spiral-bound, its pages lay flat.
The 2004 editions of the standard Motor Carriers' Road Atlas and the laminated Deluxe Motor Carriers' Road Atlas also are available. Each atlas has thousands of map and trucking updates, including new state-designated truck routes, federally designated routes, information on low clearances, weigh stations, and hazardous materials restrictions.
The standard Motor Carriers' Road Atlas is paperback, printed on heavy-stock paper, and has a suggested retail price of $19.95. The Deluxe Motor Carriers' Road Atlas has laminated pages with a spiral binding and a suggested retail price of $79.95. The new Large Scale Motor Carriers' Road Atlas carries a suggested retail price of $125.
Atlases are provided at truckstop chains nationwide, other locations where books are sold, as well as Rand McNally stores and online at www.mcra.randmcnally.com.