J J Keller has updated versions of its Driver File and Alcohol and Drug Testing software programs.
Driver File automatically detects and flags employees who are not qualified to drive due to expired or missing driver qualification items. The software also helps users pre-qualify driver applicants, maintain up-to-date driver files, create custom checklists, produce driver qualification forms, track expirations and deadlines, and generate detailed management reports and driver notices. Driver File also includes access to pertinent regulations and explanations, tracks DOT-reportable accidents and non-recordable incidents, and monitors new entry-level driver training requirements.
This program can be combined with the updated Alcohol and Drug Testing program, which simplifies required recordkeeping procedures. Alcohol and Drug Testing also helps users perform and document random-testing selection, maintain confidentiality of records with multi-level password protection, and generate reports in minutes.
Driver File is priced at $699, and Alcohol and Drug Testing is $399. To order, phone 800-327-1342; callers should reference Action Code 02001 when ordering.