FleetMentor, the online fleet management advisor from J J Keller & Associates Inc, has launched a Roadside Inspection Tracking tool that will help carriers prepare for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Comprehensive Safety Analysis (CSA) 2010 initiative.
The Roadside Inspection Tracking tool allows carriers to track their roadside inspections to help manage their overall carrier safety rating. Within each inspection record, the carrier can track the progress from inspection to completion of corrections and upload supporting documents such as inspection reports and receipts.
This new tool in FleetMentor helps carriers prepare for CSA 2010 by taking a look at their past inspection records and analyzing them using the reporting built into the Roadside Inspection Tracking tool. Carriers can improve their overall safety rating prior to the nationwide launch of CSA 2010 by identifying and addressing violations with higher severity ratings first. The Roadside Inspection Tracking tool groups inspection data by CSA 2010 BASICs and includes violation groupings and severity weights. Carriers can generate reports by driver, status, and regulatory citation.
FleetMentor also offers a CSA 2010 Resource Center that provides advice to transportation professionals on what they can do to be CSA 2010-ready.
Register for a 30-day free, no-obligation trial of FleetMentor by visiting www.fleetmentor.com. To learn more, visit www.fleetmentor.com or www.fleetmentordemo.com.