Greeley CO-based JBS USA and cattle farmers and ranchers from around the nation are making the largest-ever donation and delivery of 16,000 pounds of beef to Colorado’s Feeding America Food Banks.
“JBS has a strong tradition of community involvement, particularly with food banks,” said Bill Rupp, chief operating officer of JBS. “In 2010, we donated nearly 30,000 pounds of food, which went directly to families in need right here in Colorado.”
The beef donation will be delivered to Food Bank of the Rockies in Denver CO. This food bank, which provided 76,000 meals a day in 2010, will divide and distribute the donation to five Feeding America member food banks throughout Colorado, reaching 1,500 non-profit agencies statewide.
“One in eight people are food-insecure in Colorado. In addition to the large number of people who go hungry, one of the biggest challenges our food banks face is providing high-quality, nutritious protein,” said Kevin Seggelke, president and chief executive officer of Food Bank of the Rockies. “This generous donation from JBS will allow us to fill important nutrition gaps for families in need.”
To learn more about JBS, visit For more details about how America’s cattle farmers and ranchers are working to battle hunger, visit To learn more about fighting hunger in one’s own community, access