Charlie Cahill, chief executive officer of Blue Tree, said, “It is the new point of entry for our customers that builds on the robust, comprehensive data analytics of R:COM, our existing data reporting platform—and combines it with powerful new features that offer fleets faster, more accessible and personalized access to their data. It brings the data to life—and the result is game-changing.”
With, users create their own workspace to select data types they want to see, filter and sort the data, arrange how they want to see it, and save a view for their next visit. With asset categorization, rapid drilldown through powerful search algorithms, and pre-defined widget templates, users can connect assets in any way they want in a highly visual manner. Truck, temperature, and trailer data are all available on the same platform.
From its cloud architecture, is easier to access than legacy reporting systems, allowing immediate access from any machine at any time, anywhere in the world. Different views of data can be set up for different devices, to account for the depth and accessibility of such devices.
See for more information.