Find basic information on upcoming compliance dates for the seven foundational rules of the Food Safety Modernization Act. This gallery is for informational purposes only. Refer to the FDA links below for specific guidance. Some compliance dates begin from the publication date of the final rule, and some begin from the effective date of the rule.
Please note, as of August 2016, extensions have been granted for several of these compliance dates. (The extensions are noted on the slides.) Refer to the following links for the complete text regarding these changes.
Compliance Date Extensions and Clarifications (FDA site)
Notice published on the Federal Register
Included are helpful links to the US Food and Drug Administration's information page and printer-friendly fact sheet for each rule, as well as a direct link to the published rule in the Federal Register. The FDA site has links to webinars, answers to frequently asked questions, training resources, and other supplemental material to help understand the scope of each rule.