The Idaho Transportation Department opened five new Drivewyze bypass service locations on Interstates 15 and 90 and Highway 95. The state now has Drivewyze PreClear weigh station bypass at seven stations.
Idaho uses Drivewyze to check fleets for compliance, safety and weight, which is conveyed through incorporation with state-owned weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensors fixed in the roadways near from each location.
Drivewyze president and chief executive officer Brian Heath said he is glad to extend services in Idaho, which can be of advantage to drivers near the shared state borders.
“We’re pleased to expand the availability of Drivewyze to five more locations at two Idaho/Washington border areas and to the Idaho/Utah border area,” Heath said. “More service sites mean more bypasses, and this grows the value of our industry-leading service for both our state partners and our trucking customers.”
The growing scope of the service network fuels the need for additional stations, Heath said. The opening extends options to a larger pool of drivers, “which compose the largest network of bypass service sites in the history of the trucking industry,” he concluded.
These Drivewyze bypass stations save time for drivers and their companies, eases fuel and related operational costs, which in turn results in increased productivity, according to Heath.
“By offering drivers and carriers more bypass opportunities, the department can reduce congestion in and around weigh stations and enable port inspectors to focus their efforts on those carriers that demand the most attention,” Heath stated.
The five new locations available with this service are: Huetter eastbound on I-90 approximately 4 miles east of the Idaho/Washington border, Inkom northbound and southbound on I-15 approximately 60 miles north of the Idaho/Utah border and Lewiston northbound and southbound on US-95 approximately 4 miles east of the Idaho/Washington border.