IdleAir has added a free satellite TV package to its truckstop electrification (TSE) services. The package, ConvoyTV+Power includes more than 60 channels, including the ESPN package, as well as 120V electricity inside and outside the cab, and basic Internet access on the IdleAir touchscreen.
The service is being provided free of charge at select locations through Jan. 15, the company said. Beginning Jan. 16, ConvoyTV+Power will be offered at a flat $1.49 per hour (plus tax) rate, and available through IdleAir member cards at select locations through April 30, 2013.
IdleAir customers may now choose either ConvoyTV+Power or Premium Service, which includes heat, air conditioning, satellite TV, 120V electricity, and basic Internet access on the touchscreen.
Customers will earn Convoy Points when purchasing ConvoyTV+Power: 1 point per hour plus 25 points for every 8 hours of continuous use. Customers who take advantage of all IdleAir discounts and promotions receive a combined 12% discount, effectively paying only $1.31 per hour for ConvoyTV+Power, the company said.
“For years, customers have asked for additional service packages,” said Ethan Garber, IdleAir CEO. “With ConvoyTV+Power, we deliver on this promise to our customers. At $1.49 per hour, the new ConvoyTV+Power is an especially good value for drivers who asked for unbundled access to electricity and Internet, and access to their favorite sports on satellite TV.”