Lubrication Engineers has released an SAE 5W-40 synthetic diesel oil for engines to help further extend drains.
The Monolec Ultra Syn Heavy Duty Engine Oil is a multiviscosity synthetic base oil with additive package. According to the company, it has a low-temperature operating performance range without the shear stability and viscosity problems of conventional diesel engine oils. The high viscosity index indicates less change in viscosity over a broad operating temperature range, the company noted.
The oil’s technology helps eliminate cold-startup problems through its ability to flow quickly in cold weather and maintain viscosity at operating temperatures, Lubrication Engineers said.
Authorized OEM approvals for Monolec Ultra Syn Heavy Duty Engine Oil include – but are not limited to – Caterpillar, Cummins, Detroit, Mack, Mercedes-Benz, Renault, and Volvo.