The Bendix SmarTire Tire Pressuring Monitoring System (TPMS), which the company said helps improve fuel economy and safety, is now available for Peterbilt’s aerodynamic, integrated cab-and-sleeper Model 587, Peterbilt Motors Company recently announced.“TPMS provides operators with real-time, on-demand tire status that helps ensure peak performance and can give the operator early warning before potential tire failure,” said Scott Newhouse, Peterbilt chief engineer. “The TPMS display is integrated with the vehicle’s main instrument cluster for convenient, quick glance access to the temperature and pressure of each truck tire. By helping prevent tire failure, TPMS means customers benefit from more uptime, lower operating costs and longer tire life.”Newhouse said operators are alerted to potential tire issues through an alert on the display and an optional audible alert. According to the Technology & Maintenance Council, tires are the largest maintenance cost item for fleets and also a primary influencer on fuel economy. A tire that is l0 psi low can reduce fuel economy by about 1%. Given their cost-saving benefits, TMC estimates TPMS systems provide an ROI within two years.TPMS is also an optional feature for Peterbilt Models 579 and 567.