NASHVILLE. Aperia Technologies Inc. used it’s slot in media day at the Technology & Maintenance Council Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition here to outline the growing market presence of the Halo Tire Inflator and to announce the addition of a proven industry innovator to its team.
The Halo—a simple, bolt-on tire inflation device for tractors and trailers—has now been deployed on thousands of vehicles operated in over 100 fleets, reports Josh Carter, CEO of Aperia. The performance and impact of the tire inflation system has been validated in over 50 individual fleet customer tests since its introduction two years ago.
“Halo is increasingly preferred by all types and sizes of fleets because it’s the easiest tire inflation system to add to new vehicles or to retrofit on existing equipment,” Carter said. “In the past year we’ve seen many fleets move from pilot tests, to putting Halos on all new trucks and trailers, to full fleet full retrofits. These customers are adding thousands of Halo systems after seeing results of over 50 individual fleet tests that confirm the value of the Halo tire inflation system on tractors and trailers.”
To help fleets confidently adopt Halo, Aperia designed a wireless data acquisition system that allows customers to easily install and monitor the benefits of the inflation device in real world driving conditions. In one of the tests, the tire pressure trend over a 100-day period demonstrated that while control tires lost as much as 2 PSI per week on average, tires with Halo systems consistently maintained proper operating pressure.
In another fleet test on 10 tractors driven more than 1 million miles in 12 months, Halo improved fuel economy by 1.1% and extend tire life by 14.4%, according to Carter. In addition to receiving positive driver reviews, the fleet saved $1,676 per tractor or a total of $16,760 during the evaluation period.