FORT LAUDERDALE— At the Technology & Maintenance Council meeting yesterday, engine makers revealed details on how they will meet the stricter ’07 engine emission requirements—and that most will at least have prototype or field-test models available by the middle of next year.
Here are the highlights of what each manufacturer’s representative publicly stated:
Caterpillar. Current ACERT technology will provide foundation for ’2007 and 2010 EPA compliance. Will use diesel particulate filter (DPF) for particulate matter (PM) reduction. This will be a “ceramic filter with engine thermal management for regeneration” to attain highest filtration efficiency. NOx reduction will be achieved with “engine out” methods. Field-test engines will be available later this year and the first engines for customer testing by mid-’05.
Cummins. Cooled EGR will remain foundation for ’07. Will use an “active particulate filter” for PM emissions and no NOx aftertreatment for heavy-duty ’07 engines. PM filter will have “porous ceramic media” which will require maintenance (cleaning) after 150,000 miles. Engines for fleet field-testing will be out by mid-’05.
Detroit Diesel & Mercedes Benz. Will use “EGR for ’07 and beyond.” “Active regeneration” particulate filters, using sintered metal substrate instead of ceramics, will reduce PM emissions. NOx will be reduced by “increased EGR rates.” Selective catalyst reduction (SCR) technology will be “deferred till after ’07… remains viable alternative for 2010.”
Customer demo units will be available by mid’05.
International. Will continue to use EGR as foundation. Regenerative particulate filter “will be crucial” to reducing PM emissions. NOx adsorber and SCR described as having “not won out.”
Volvo & Mack. Will stay with EGR, “the most proven technology.” NOx control will be via “high-efficiency cooled EGR.” PM emissions will be controlled by “catalyzed” diesel particulate filters. “Active regeneration of the DPF will be transparent to the operator.” Expectation is to “at least see today’s fuel consumption from ’07 engines.” Also expects “no reduction in service intervals from current engines and working to extend them.” For 2010, SCR and NOx adsorber remain possibilities. Will offer prototype ’07 engines to customers in mid-’05.