DAC Services helps Trucker Buddy Employment screening specialists DAC Services is donating criminal database searches to the Trucker Buddy International program, which matches professional drivers with elementary classes for the purpose of corresponding with these students and helping them learn geography, math and enhance their writing skills.
Although Trucker Buddy drivers follow strict guidelines regarding interaction with their classes, safeguards are being taken to ensure that the participants do not have a history of crime involving children. Although there has never been a negative incident involving a driver and its class, parents and teachers will be able to feel more confident when a truck driver develops a relationship with their young children, said Trucker Buddy executive director Ellen Voie. "We have been working on some type of safeguard for over a year," Voie said. "The cost to provide a background check for each of our nearly 5,000 drivers would have exceeded our budget limitations, so we looked for a corporate sponsor to help us avoid any potential problems."