Each year, the scholarship committee reviews applicants for the program using several criteria, including each candidate’s interest in advocacy work and commitment to the produce industry.
“Thanks to the very generous support and leadership of the Caplans, family businesses throughout the industry can benefit from this exceptional leadership opportunity,” said Miriam Wolk, United Fresh vice-president of member services.
The Washington Conference brings together hundreds of produce leaders from all sectors of the industry for education on critical industry issues such as immigration, trade, tax reform and nutrition. Attendees also take part in meetings with members of Congress, their staff and top regulatory officials. Scholarship recipients will have an opportunity to network with produce industry executives from across the nation, as well as gain an understanding of the political process and how to advocate for priority issues.
For more information on the scholarship program, contact Miriam Wolk at 202-303-3410. To learn more about The Washington Conference, go to www.unitedfresh.org or contact Angela Tiwari at 202-303-3416.