Lite-Check is offering Certifier 912 upgrades that will breathe new life and provide new features for a 121 brake timing tester.
The company has collected repair histories from customers for the past 10 years. Instead of waiting for a tester breakdown that impacts production, consider a planned upgrade to give years of additional life and incorporate an improved operating system with training.
Upgrades include a newly designed GUI Operating System Rev 4.00 with a new appearance and more features. Replace the air system and electronics with new parts—especially if the tester was delivered before 2006—to create a completely new tester.
An important option is that Lite-Check personnel will rebuild the tester on site to minimize downtime. Staff refresher training will review the many features and ISO procedures.
Regardless of the number of tests per week, users depend on the Certifier 912, and a breakdown can impact production schedule with considerable costs. A planned Certifier 912 upgrade will add years to this tool and improve its performance.
For additional information, pricing, and scheduling, e-mail Todd Potter at [email protected] or Steve Woodbeck at [email protected], or phone 800-343-8579.