Truck By the Numbers


Eric Van Egeren | FleetOwner
As the fleets continue to navigate an evolving economic and regulatory landscape, we present the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities based on data gathered by FleetOwner and several industry organizations. Trucking By the Numbers 2024 shines a light on the top concerns, economic factors, advancements, and more data that tells the trucking story in charts and figures.
Eric Van Egeren | FleetOwner

Latest from Truck By the Numbers

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Truck By the Numbers

Trucking by the Numbers 2021: A supply chain in crisis

Dec. 29, 2021
For this year’s Trucking by the Numbers package, FleetOwner attempts to set the stage for some of the new challenges and emerging trends as the trucking industry continues to ...
Atmosphere1 | Dreamstime
Fireworks Highway Portland

Stats prove roads are dangerous over Independence Day weekend

July 2, 2021
Federal traffic data show Fourth of July weekend has 11% more deaths per day than the rest of the year average.
Photo: Getty Images
Truck By the Numbers

Trucking by the Numbers: Traffic

Sept. 3, 2019
In this section of Trucking by the Numbers, we focus on traffic.
Photo: Getty Images
Truck By the Numbers

Trucking by the Numbers: Safety

Aug. 30, 2019
In this section of Trucking by the Numbers, our focus is safety. What could be more important?
Art: Vilma Alverez / Photos: Getty Images
Truck By the Numbers

Trucking by the Numbers: Drivers

Aug. 29, 2019
In this section of Trucking by the Numbers, we focus on drivers. Let’s face it; they are the most critical component to maintain in the industry.