Volvo is one of the most popular heavy duty truck brands on the market, but due to their consistent quality and price stability in comparison to other top brands, we do not bring them into the spotlight as often as we should.
Market activity has begun to slightly decline for Volvo trucks in the resale channel with prices dropping due to older average ages, the comparison of how the first six months of 2016 fairs against the past 18 months gave a better perspective of how they are holding up so far this year. Volvo’s trucks at auction had a continuous decline at a steady 30-40% in pricing since December 2015.
Due to increasing age within the resale channel, the age gap between the auction and resale channels during 2016 has shown the smallest percentages in two years. With this increase in age, there has also been a drop in activity for Volvo trucks at resale specifically within the second quarter of 2016, which has previously shown to be a strong quarter for heavy duty trucks.
While stable pricing on used Volvo trucks in the resale channel has been seen throughout 2016, they are showing low prices due to the age and usage of what is currently available.
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