There’s a warm blue (for the color of the flame when natural gas is ignited) glow being cast over more and more truck fleets seeking to go green to demonstrate environmental sensibility and to gain green spending less on fuel byswitching to trucks powered by either compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Recognizing this growing trend, for starters FleetOwner has added a dedicated Blue Fleets section to our website where news articles on natural gas vehicles (NGVs), the fleets that are deploying them and the suppliers serving this emerging market can be easily accessed.
FleetOwner has in addition launched a special Facebook page also dubbed Blue Fleets as a resource to provide Blue Fleet pioneers and observers with a place to exchange information, questions and experiences with peers.
If you’re interested in natural gas as a practical fuel for trucks, the editors of FleetOwner urge you to go on over and "Like" the Blue Fleet page on Facebook. And then join in on what we expect will be a very colorful and fruitful conversation for all.